Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallowe'en Past

Late on Hallowe'en night
With a full moon bright
She sits and taps
Foot and keys
Thoughts wander, crash, careen
Trying to be heard, be seen
"Make sense of us
Catch us if you can"
(are they the gingerbread men?)
So catch them she shall
And maybe
The telling will be the reality
And the threads will weave fabric
And then, maybe not
The day - costumes to be ironed
(Do that the night before? nah)
One to be shortened - how'd that happen?
Takes the scissors
Fails to check
Cuts the legs - no going back now
And then sees - the waist is at the butt!
Luckily the top is long
And she's a safety-pin hoarder
Races to the parade
Police officer in sight -
AARRGGH, no reminders today!
Finds the ninjas, her sons
Plants kisses and runs
To work, to here,
to lists of calls
The furniture repair, the eye doctor, the dentist, the friend
My oldest needed striped hair
Green, Blue, Pink
Glitter makeup
And plans with friends
Needed a ride
Came home to hand out treats
So fun - it's been so long
Since I didn't take the kids
And thought
Who says our youth are rude, bad, up-to-no-good?
From every child
"Please/Trick or Treat/Thank you/Happy Hallowe'en"
Rang through the air
"You may take two."
"Oh thank you!"
Many exclaimed how wonderful
The candle-lit pumpkins looked
Five perched on the bench:
Three ghosts on a white pumpkin - no paint!
A Cat on a limb
A scary jack
And the flow turned to a trickle
And then there were none
Good night, Hallowe'en
Good night, moon
Good night, Storyland

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SWAPs and photos

I've participated in two complete Circle Journals.

What are Circle Journals? Check out this link:
Themed Albums - A Closer Look At Circle Journals
By Charity Hassel

We're taking a breather - or really, we're waiting for someone to make a color copy of each CJ for everyone, and get the copies bound at Staples. But that someone was out of work for 18 weeks, nursing her post-surgery shoulder back to health. Yeah, that someone would be *me*.
Anyway, someone suggested we do monthly SWAPs. We had several people too timid to do the CJs join us, which is fun. So far, we've completed four. Here are mine:

#1 Funny quote

#2 Favorite Wizard of Oz quote

#3 Halloween ghostie

#4 Thanksgiving gratitude bookmark

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Grabbed again!

Just once,
I will not click a link
I will not find new 'gotchas'
I will not drool over others' work

Just once,
I will practice restraint
I will remember too much is ... too much
I will know that I check out plenty already

Just once.
And then
More than once.

But... I now have several more blogs saved as favs.

Some scrapbook designers' blogs grabbed me.
Really. "Altogether Too Happy; Stacy Julian "Bits & Pieces"; Cathy Zielske "Rhonna Designs"; Rhonna Farrer

Saturday, October 18, 2008

An Interesting, Unexpected Day

I know I haven't mentioned anything about the wedding; I promise I will - soon. I've been busy; I even went back to work. sigh.
This morning, I was eating my dessert AKA choc chip waffle breakfast when the phone rang. A Girl Scout staff member I know well said that there was a council meeting nearby and they didn't have a quorum. Would I be able to come save the day?

I was planning to make some moves in my Craft Studio. That's like saying I was going to clean. My allergies were twitching; I am allergic to cleaning. It may be mental, but all the same... cleaning. Yuck.

I said yes, and sat with BFF and some others I know. All in all, it took 90 mins from when the voting was supposed to start until a quorum was present. I must say I'm glad arrived late; that was a long wait.

I assumed I would merely be a vote; I would keep quiet. r-i-g-h-t. The voting involved amendments to the by-laws. By-law writing is an arcane art; BTDT. Those immersed in precisely wording by-laws start speaking some odd dialect, unintelligible to those outside the ropes. Several times, members asked questions - and I knew the answers weren't being understood.

I finally gave up and translated between by-lawese and standard English. We were supposed to state our names before speaking, but I didn't. As I sat down, I remarked that those I know who hadn't seen me knew I was there now. As soon as I said that, I was lovingly attacked with a hug. One of my favorite board members had rushed over as soon as she heard me!

When the meeting was over, several others came over to talk. Our former council CEO said I did a good job. Two officers asked me why I hadn't been doing anything lately. When I said I hadn't been asked, they said they'd change that. The strangest part, for me, is that I was just thinking last week that I wanted to become more involved again. We'll see....

My DD's godmother, the mother of my three godchildren, came up to me too. She works as the council store manager, and she's a leader. We ended up talking for almost two hours, going from the room to the foyer to outside. It was really nice to catch up. Our families haven't gotten together in over a decade, ever since my DSs kept commenting outloud on her kids' behavior. We have very different parenting styles, but I think with the youngest three turning 16 we may be able to try again.

All in all, it was an interesting, completely unexpected day!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Introducing the BOXWOOD girls...

Take three girls, two 9 yrs old and one 6 yrs old.
Ask them to be flower girls in their aunt's wedding.
Send the dress to each 9 yr old to verify the size.
It's a frothy candlight white confection, with the requisite full skirt, slightly puffy sleeves, tiny bit of ruffles - and an added magenta sash to match the big girls' sashes.
So, yes, it's a real PRINCESS dress!
(Enjoy the oohs and ahhs as each declares she feels just like a princess)
Now, these girls are flower girls.
You know what a flower is.
I know what a flower is.
The moms know what a flower is.
And the girls know what a flower is.
And we know the job of every flower girl:
Oh, no? Ok.
To walk down the aisle with some flowers dangling awkwardly.
Yup, flowers for flower girls.
So - what did my Dlilsis the bride choose for the walking floral arrangements?
The big girls will have round ball-shaped bouquets, each one a single different magenta flower with the same filler greens and berries.
(Roses, gerber daisies, astoemeria, carnations, hydrangeas)
The little girls?
The FLOWER girls?
Oh, why give them flowers?
How about:
Balls of boxwood, with ribbon loops to hold them?
Nary a flower to hold.
So, I've been calling them boxwood girls.
- My sons heard me and have been threatened with an early demise if they dare say that to anyone!
I'm betting with myself:
Which boxwood girl comments or complains first?
(Really -- How can you be a flower girl without flowers??)
Which son will say 'boxwood girl' outloud first - and who will hear him?

The Pandemonium du Wedding Begins

My Dlilsis is getting married Friday evening. Everyone except my family and my parents live out of state. We've got people flying in by plane and by car. Mayhem is to be avoided, but pandemonium is a certainty.
My schedule through Sunday:
  • Make Sat dinner reservations
  • Order sheet cake for Sat dessert
  • Go out w/ DB2, 16 yr old nephew, my DSs and possibly 2 yr old nephew. Tasks: get tuxes, buy khaki pants for the 16 yrolds.
  • Do some cleaning - giggle. straightening and 2 yr old proofing MAY get done.
  • Get DD to nail place; maybe DSIL will be going.
  • Get ring, etc cleaned.
  • Try to find my reading for wedding one last time.
  • Figure out rehearsal attire, make sure wedding outfit fits.
  • DH has to pick up suit - 3rd attempt. Turns out he can't wear double vented jackets so they're removig the vents tomorrow.
  • Find time to visit with friend {lilsis' boss}
  • Rehearsal is 6:30 IIRC.
  • Dinner is 7:30.
  • Set VCR for CSI!
  • Come home whenever dinner is over.

  • Be at hair salon by 12:15 with DSILs for hair care.
    (Hopefully check out DD's marcel waves if our paths cross.)
  • GET GAS at the cheapo place near the salon.
  • Home ~2pm.
  • Feed the gang: 7 of 8 grands, 3 moms, 1 DH.
  • Get everyone dressed - DH gets to tie four ties!
  • Put clips in boxwood girls' hair.
  • Get moms moving; as DS1 said, we're the slow ones.
  • Take photos of the three ushers and three boxwood girls and three moms - oh and one 2 yr old and one DH too.
  • Leave by 3:45 for church; family photos.
  • Wedding at 5pm.
  • MORE photos - why?
  • Reception until 11 pm.
  • If someone wants to gather afterwards, it isn't going to be HERE.
  • DD has dentist appt at 8:45am; she must have a really sore tooth!
  • Brunch at my parents' starts at 10am. {MORE people than their 50th anniv party last year!}
  • DD thought she had to dress nicely. I told her I was wearing jeans. she was aghast - until I told her the next agenda item:
  • Wander a local downtown Autumn Day and make a scarecrow with the kids.
  • Car show there and at a local airport.
  • Find time to pick up cake.
  • five of us - out to dinner for our anniv
  • Everyone - immediate family, sibs, etc - at our house for cake, for anniversary.
  • recover?!

TODAY was the day... 25 years and counting

On this day twenty-five years ago, I married my love in St Louis, MO. We've been blessed with a good life so far - and I pray that our good fortune continues.
What happened today?
  • DH went to work,
  • I don't know where the hours went.
  • DD got sick at work, so she hopped an earlier train.
  • I picked her up after scrambling to take a shower, get dressed, eat -- all after 2:30 pm. sigh.
  • DH had filet mignon thawing for dinner.
  • We decided to go to Ruby Tuesday/
  • DS1 never likes sudden plans so he grumped.
  • DH & I realized we didn't want to go out so we ordered Italian.
  • They screwed up one item - shrimp with butter/garlic sauce instead of clams & shrimp with rosa cream sauce.
  • I called, they sent the right thing.
  • DH picked up his new suit for the wedding.
  • NOT, he can't wear double side vent jackets so now they're removing the vents.
  • We watched TV.
  • He went to bed.
  • I'm following.

  • I got a 5 diamond 'journey' pendant on a gold chain.
  • DH got a plaque with a folk art castle and the saying 'they lived happily ever after'; I bought it at MOA, MN in May.
  • We got a Waterford votive holder and PF Chang gift card from my parents.
And there you have it, folks: Proof that life goes on just like usual when a big milestone is in the middle of the week, especially two days before a sibling's wedding.
Woohoo, aren't WE the exciting couple??
Wouldn't you like to know?